RJ-45 Connectors - Patch Cords for Category 5 Wire

rj45_connector.gif (9180 bytes) rj45_crossover.gif (9094 bytes)
Standard Patch Cord Cross-over Cable

Straight-Through vs Cross-Over
In general, the patch cords that you use with your Ethernet connections are "straight-through", which means that pin 1 of the plug on one end is connected to pin 1 of the plug on the other end. Voice cables are "crossed" end to end; data cables aren't.

***********Steve Note:***********

For a Straight-Through:
Make both ends the left diagram:

For a Cross-Over:
Make one end the left diagram and one the right....

10baset.gif (11478 bytes)

The only time you cross connections in 10BaseT is when you connect two Ethernet devices directly together without a hub. This can be two computers connected without a hub, or two hubs via standard ethernet ports in the hubs. Then you need a "cross-over" patch cable, which crosses the transmit and receive pairs, the orange and green pairs in normal wiring. In a cross-over cable, one end is normal, and the other end has the cross-over configuration.

More Standards
A good FAQ on cabling standards is at Ohio State